

Gompers, Samuel

  1. A labor leader of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, he cofounded the American Federation of Labor (AFL), an organization composed of skilled workers in craft unions. In the 1930s the AFL was challenged by the rise of the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), an organization whose member unions were composed of all workers, unskilled as well as skilled, in specific industries such as mining or automobiles. The two organizations later merged. ( See AFL-CIO.)

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Example Sentences

And, anyway, what would it take to be a Samuel Gompers at Microsoft, Facebook, Oracle, Amazon, or Google?

He seems like Samuel Gompers compared to Rauner who talks about Scott Walker as his model in governing.

There is no doubt in the writer's mind that Samuel Gompers kept the faith throughout.

The president of the Federation, Samuel Gompers, on each occasion took the floor against them.

A bitter opposition was growing against the rule of Samuel Gompers and his satellites.

Samuel Gompers, an ardent suffragist, says women get less because they ask for less.



